
Are you making one of these dog training mistakes?

Went for a hike with my dog Jimmy yesterday, Three
miles later, I came home and my wife Rachael was in
the backyard planting flowers.

She had 170 flowers to plant.

I could have went in the house with Jim but I grabbed
a shovel and started helping her.

Nobody told me that married life was going to be
so hard.

Jim found a nice shady spot and went to sleep.

Anyway, today I am starting a three-part series
entitled, "The 3 Most Common Dog Training Mistakes
And How To Avoid Them."

As we go through this week, check to see how many
of these mistakes you are making with your dog training
and what you can do to correct them.

Doing this will get you much better results with your
dog training.

Most Common Dog Training Mistake #1: Waiting to train

Waiting to train is the biggest mistake I see year after
year. Some of the worst advice ever given is the "Wait
until your dog is 6 months old."

By waiting, your dog develops behaviors that have to be
unlearned. It's much easier to prevent a behavior than
it is to try and teach a dog to stop doing a behavior.

For instance, it is much easier to teach a puppy to greet
without jumping than it is to train a 6 month old dog to
stop jumping once the behavior has been learned.

It's also important to start training as soon as you see
any behaviors you don't like. A perfect example is

Most of the aggressive dogs that I have dealt had owners
that waited until the dog actually bit someone before they
called me, even though all the warning signs were there.

At the first signs of aggression, the owner should contact
a trainer and start working with the dog. Aggression is like
a snowball going downhill. It starts as a small ball of snow
and then gets bigger and bigger until it is uncontrollable.

Always take action when it comes to training.

"Movement always beats meditation." Gary Halbert

All the best,


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