Dog cruelty is a very common problem here in the Philippines. There are a lot of types of dog violence today from electric collars to just simply beating them up. Some UNWORTHY dog owners loves to torture, slap, whip, punch, and batter innocent and misunderstood dogs. Some UNWORTHY dog owners even do their best to send their dogs to "Sabong" where dogs tend to fight till death is received. Lots of things that people do can harm dogs sometimes consciously or unconsciously meaning they can harm animals with intention and without intention. An example of consciously harming animals is by beating them up just because a dog did something you did not want. People harm dogs due to recklesnes.
I repeat Very Important Pets Online is AGAINST DOG VIOLENCE!!!
For now we cannot do anything yet but to change ourselves first. There are certain ways to prevent this
= Learn to understand dogs, Of course you cannot Understand them easily and it'll take some time to do some research. Dogs can't understand people to. So I sudgest you do the first move.
= Be Patient. Incase your dog did something that you did not like, learn to just understand that a dog gotta do this, a dog gotta do that.
= Train them to be a good dog. It'll take sometime but it's surely worth it.
= If your purpose of getting a dog is to gamble some money at a "SABONG". If this is what your dog will end up doing, here's an advice to you. Just don't get a dog at all! why get a dog if you won't take care of it.
= Be aware of your actions. Dogs are like humans, both a living thing.
So please do take care of your dogs. Love them, Care for them, and be a responsible owner.
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